Low back pain is one of the most common pains and that is why many people simply do not pay attention to it. However, pain in the lumbar region can not only limit a person's mobility, but also indicate diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Therefore, if you feel the slightest discomfort in your back, it is important to seek help from a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe effective treatment.
types of pain
The first thing a doctor is interested in when examining a patient is the intensity and frequency of pain. Depending on the cause, pain in the lower back can be of the following nature:
subacute: begins abruptly and can last 6 to 12 weeks;
acute - occurs suddenly, is characterized by high intensity and can last about 1. 5 months;
variable (transient) – occurs periodically;
chronic: can have weak or strong intensity, lasts 12 weeks or more;
weak, medium intensity, strong.
The pain can vary depending on the cause. In this case, the duration and intensity of the sensations may vary. Therefore, when visiting a doctor, it is important to describe her feelings as accurately as possible.
Common causes of low back pain.
In the lumbar region there are the following systems that can cause pain:
musculoskeletal– pain usually occurs as a result of an injury to the spine, as well as damage or tension in the muscles of the lower back.
Digestive– pain in the lower back usually "triggers", caused by disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, liver and stomach. This is observed in gastritis, the presence of stones in the bile ducts, poisoning, pancreatitis, poisoning, stomach ulcers and various forms of obstruction.
Highly strung– pain occurs due to the formation of a hernia, neuropathy, pinching of a nerve, curvature of the spine, protrusion and inflammatory processes that occur in the vertebrae.
Sexual and urinary– Pain syndrome develops if a person has urolithiasis, problems with the bladder and kidneys, lesions of the ovaries and uterus of various types.
The most common diseases that cause lower back pain.
Spinal curvatures (scoliosis, kyphosis)
In this case, a person experiences pain when the disease occurs in the middle and late stages. As a rule, pain syndrome manifests itself at the end of the working day and may be accompanied by fatigue of the back muscles. Pain syndrome manifests itself in the form of spasms of the periarticular muscles of the lower and upper extremities, as well as the muscles of the spine and glutes.
Ankylosing spondyloarthritis

It is a systemic inflammatory disease, characterized by the fusion of individual vertebrae into a whole. At the same time, there is an accumulation of calcium in the ligaments that stabilize the spine. This can cause a complete loss of mobility.
Ankylosing spondylitis is accompanied by the following lower back pain:
stiffness of movements in the lumbar region;
a sharp increase in intensity when a person is at rest for a long time.
Urolithiasis disease
The attacks manifest as intense pain in the lumbar region, caused by the affected kidney. The pain does not go away or subside, even if the person changes body position. Typically, attacks are accompanied by a change in the color of urine (it becomes red) and a decrease in its amount.
Pain syndrome can result from:
inflammatory process in the pancreas;
intestinal obstruction;
painful menstruation (algomenorrhea);
the pregnancy;
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region.
One of the most common diseases, which is characterized by the thinning of the intervertebral discs, which act as shock absorbers. This causes spasm of the surrounding muscles and irritation of the nerve roots, resulting in severe pain. If the disease is diagnosed at an advanced stage, it is most likely accompanied by a herniated disc, which puts pressure on the spinal cord and causes increased lower back pain.
The pain syndrome intensifies if a person:
rises from a lying or sitting position;
leans to the sides;
Try lying on your stomach.
If, as a result of the development of the disease, a massive hernia has formed in the spine, the pain in the lumbar region will only intensify. Additionally, pain syndrome may be accompanied by weakness or numbness in one or both legs.
It is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the cartilaginous tissue that covers the intervertebral discs. The tissue becomes thinner over time, which leads to its destruction; Osteophytes (specific bone growths) form around the lesion. This leads to a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae, a narrowing of the spinal canal, which causes irritation of the nerve roots and the spinal cord itself.
Pain with spondyloarthrosis is of the following nature:
In the initial stage it appears only in the morning, later it becomes permanent;
increases after physical activity (after walking, standing) and decreases after rest;
It may be accompanied by pain in the hip and thigh joint.
Pain syndrome in spondyloarthrosis intensifies as a result of muscle spasms that are constantly under tension. Relieving lower back pain in this case is extremely difficult.
Which specialist should you go to when your lower back hurts?
Since the organs of the abdominal cavity are located quite close to each other, the symptoms of the disease can be mixed. Additionally, pain that is present for a long time may be girdling in nature. Therefore, before treatment it is important to undergo a diagnosis, one of the specialists can refer you for an examination:
Neurologist– when the patient experiences acute "stabbing" pain in the spine, which is accompanied by partial loss of sensitivity and mobility. When the pain intensifies after changing body position or remaining at rest for a long time.
Surgeon or traumatologist– due to a fall, injury or intense sports.
Nephrologist or urologist– with frequent or difficult urination, which is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, as well as if there is acute pain on one side of the lumbar region.
Gastroenterologist– when pain syndrome is accompanied by increased body temperature, weakness and disorders of the digestive system. If the pain is present only on one side and is pulling in nature.
Gynecologist– if pain is felt on one or both sides, it may be accompanied by general weakness and may intensify during physical activity. When you feel pain during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy.
If a person knows the cause of lower back pain, then there is no need to contact a specialist (intense physical activity; the pain usually disappears within one or two days). In other cases, it is advisable to pay attention to these symptoms and make an appointment with a specialized doctor.

How to diagnose low back pain - diagnostic methods:
Ultrasound– if there is suspicion of diseases of the pelvic or abdominal organs. It can be prescribed even to children, but it does not always allow us to see the true cause of lower back pain.
bone scan– if the patient has hernias, injuries, scoliosis. But this method allows you to see only bone tissue.
Connecticut– if there are hernias, neuropathies, protuberances, neoplasms or spinal injuries. CT scanning is ideal for patients who are contraindicated for MRI.
magnetic resonance– the indications are similar to those of CT. The method is very precise and allows the necessary organs to be examined in as much detail as possible.
Colonoscopy and gastroscopy.– if the patient is diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system. These exams allow you to take a good look at the abdominal organs and, if necessary, take tissue samples for analysis.
Treatment methods for low back pain.
Treatment methods for low back pain are determined by the cause of its occurrence. When musculoskeletal disorders are present, non-pharmacological, pharmacological or surgical treatments may be required.
Non-drug treatment methods:
Physical therapy - the course of treatment is selected individually based on existing diseases. It is important to perform a series of exercises regularly to achieve the desired effect;
physiotherapy: includes laser treatment of the lesion, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis and other procedures;
therapeutic and restorative massage - can be used only if the patient does not have an exacerbation of the disease;
manual therapy and work with an osteopath.
Non-pharmacological treatment is usually complemented by medications.
Pharmacological treatments
NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used as primary therapy. Medications are prescribed in the form of intramuscular and intravenous injections, tablets, ointments and creams, as well as rectal suppositories and patches that are applied topically.
The dosage and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor. Uncontrolled use of medications can cause side effects.
If taking NSAIDs does not produce the desired effect, the doctor prescribes corticosteroids (hormonal medications). Taking them allows you to stop the inflammation process and relieve pain.
If a patient has muscle spasms in the lower back, antispasmodics are prescribed. These medications can relieve muscle spasms in the lower back and improve overall well-being.
Medications such as:
B vitamins, which help improve nerve conduction;
decongestants that relieve swelling of the pinched root;
sedative medications.
Surgical methods of treatment
If the doctor identifies a patient with indications for surgery, then the patient undergoes surgery. However, surgery is not prescribed if the patient has a herniated disc, as this is not an indication for surgery, regardless of the size. If the patient has indications to remove a hernia, tumor, or it is necessary to relieve compression of the spinal cord root, surgical intervention is performed. The decision on the need to perform any operation is made by the doctor individually, depending on the indications and condition of the patient.
Prevention of low back pain
Moderate physical activity and a healthy lifestyle are the key to a healthy back. It is important to organize a comfortable place to sleep and constantly monitor your posture. If you spend a lot of time sitting, then you should get up periodically and do a little warm-up. If you don't like to exercise, it is advisable to walk as much as possible.
Giving up bad habits and maintaining proper nutrition will help prevent the development of diseases of internal organs. This is especially important for people who have already been diagnosed with diseases of the pancreas, stomach, kidneys and liver. Additionally, you should try to keep your lower back warm at all times. The fact is that cold air can provoke the development of diseases of internal organs and lead to inflammation of the nerves.
If it is necessary to lift heavy objects, you should do it with your legs, while your back should be straight. This will shift the load from your lower back muscles. And finally, don't ignore lower back pain, even if it doesn't cause you serious discomfort. It is better to have an examination and start treatment in a timely manner than to face serious consequences.